Pound Lit Press Anthology


The final week!


We are now into the home straight on the Terminal Earth anthology. There remain only seven days - submissions will be accepted only until midnight on March 15th (US east coast time) so get your pencils and ideas sharpened, the windows closed, the door locked, the phone turned off and your dog busied with a rubber bone.

We look forward to the final week's subs as much as we did the very first ones. We'll update the blog with the final slush stats next week. Remember we're on facebook and twitter too.

So long and happy writing everyone. 

Stats check!


We've both been busy with reading and editing in the last few weeks, but we're still here and open for business! Here are the latest slush stats:

Stories Received: 92 (+47)
Stories Accepted: 5 (+3)
Stories Held: 30 (+17)
Stories Rejected: 52 (+27)
Undecided: 5 (unchanged)