Pound Lit Press Anthology

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Here are the lastest figures from the slush pile:

Stories Received: 15 (+3)
Stories Held: 5 (+2)
Stories Rejected: 9 (+2)
Undecided: 1 (-1)

The Stories So Far


We've had some wonderful stories so far, even those that we've ultimately decided do not fit the anthology. As an early Christmas present, here are a few more pointers, based on what we've seen so far, about increasing your chances at getting into the Terminal Earth anthology.

The anthology is about the world ending and about what people are doing as that eventuality approaches. It is not about a Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic world. It is also not about the world not ending. There should be no Bruce Willis figures saving the planet. They can try, but certainly should not succeed!

The stories that have worked best so far are those (surprise, surprise!) that have most closely followed the guidelines laid out on this site. This sentence should be central in your thinking:

What we're really interested in is what ordinary and extraordinary people will be doing as the last grains of sand run out.

And don't hesitate to contact us should you require clarification on something or to make a query.

Once again, have a wonderful Christmas and, without depressing your friends and loved ones, do try and think about the end of the world! :-)
We've been busy in last 24 hours catching up more or less with all the received stories. Here are the latest figures with, in brackets, the change compared to the last batch of stats.

Stories Received: 12 (+2)
Stories Held: 3 (unchanged)
Stories Rejected: 7 (+4)
Undecided: 2 (-2)

Keep them rolling in Terminal Earthers - and Merry Christmas to everyone.
Neil Thomas & Michael Stewart

Story Deadline


The deadline for stories to be submitted is: March 15th, 2010

Slush stats update


Here are the latest slush pile stats:

Stories Received: 10 (+4)
Stories Held: 3 (+1)
Stories Rejected: 3 (+3)
Undecided: 4 (unchanged)
We are absolutely delighted to have received our first batch of stories, now that we're listed at both duotrope and ralan.

So, as a treat, here is the first slush stats update:

Stories Received: 6
Stories Held: 2
Stories Rejected: 0
Undecided: 4

keep 'em coming! :-)
We are now listed at Duotrope. Woo! We look forward to receiving some great stories from everyone. Remember, if you have any questions, contact us or leave comments right here on the blog. Onwards and upwards!

End of the world!


Our anthology theme has been confirmed. Just a few more adjustments to the site and we'll open for submissions, almost certainly before Christmas.

First Post


The site was put online today, but there's still a ton of stuff to do. The theme of the anthology is being finalised in these days. Our plan is to move to a more comprehensive site in 2010 but for the time being, this one fulfills its requirements perfectly well.

Pound Lit Press says "hello" to the world.